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Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye! Establishing and future proofing sheep farming in Scotland

NSA Scottish Region Chair Jen Craig hosted the evening with panel members consisting of NSA Scottish Region Coordinator Grace Reid, NSA Scot Sheep hosts Robert and Hazel Mc Nee and Brian Richardson, UK Head of Agriculture, CYBG Plc.

Attendees heard how Robert and Hazel established a fully functional farming business and why their current set up works in terms of the type and breed of animals. Brian provided very interesting discussion points around Brexit and new agricultural policy whereby he explained the importance of food in the UK; trade deals; Covid recovery and the climate change debate. Concerns around change were raised with the recognition that Scotland may have to react more quickly in comparison with English and Welsh policy. Despite sheep prices remaining high throughout 2020 and 2021, it was made clear that it is the longer term in which our farmers must remain resilient. Regarding net zero achievement and climate change, carbon audits and a variety of benchmarking tools were discussed alongside the importance of ensuring the correct types of funding. We also provided an update on all things NSA Scottish Region and some exciting new communications via a monthly Chairman’s blog and policy update which will both be distributed in early June.