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Accessing a growing market: an early morning farmers' guide to halal sheep meat

Dr Awal Fuseini, officially from AHDB but speaking on behalf of the UK halal sector, began splitting the halal sector in 3 key locations: The UK, the EU and outside the EU. Awal alsohighlighted important religious ceremonies for farmers to be aware of.

Rizvan Khalid, MD of Euro Quality Lamb then spoke on the variety within the halal supply chain, and gave an understanding of necessary standards for halal sheep meat. 

Finally, Adnaan Malik - an Artisan halal butcher, social media enthusiast and street food seller - delivered and eye-opening presentation into how he meets the demands of the new halal generation and draws on social media as a digital marketing tool.

To read a more in depth report on this webinar, click here


You can understand more about Qurbani by watching the Understanding the Qurbani market video on AHDB's Beef & Lamb YouTube channel.

A written guide on Understanding the Qurbani market by AHDB is also available to download here