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NSA and AgriWebb: Getting Started with Technology

Josh interviewed Lincolnshire farmer Ed Bray on his experiences with implementing and using AgriWebb technology to record on his farm. It was great to gain insight into Ed’s application of the technology, the benefits as well as the drawbacks. Josh went on to describe AgriWebb’s product in more detail, including a full demonstration of the software. Josh highlighted the benefits of storing information such as deaths and medication in the AgriWebb software, from which detailed reports can be generated creating less work long term, and more accurate records. The session was an open and informative one, with some great questions asked. A poll during the webinar concluded that 58% of attendees who voted were still using pen and paper to record on their farm, so Josh’s overarching piece of advice was that farmers should not fear using technology on their farms. There are many small and simple changes that farmers can make to lessen their workload long-term and ensure their records are more accurate.

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