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RoSA - Can sheep be regenrative?

The event was hosted by Liz Genever, Independent Sheep Consultant and RoSA Steering Group Chair. Liz introduced the two key speakers for the event, and also led a Q&A session following the two presentations:

Ben Taylor-Davies – Independent Adviser – Discussed how he has integrated sheep into the regenerative farming system on his farm, and how using a holistic approach to sheep management can help create a sustainable and profitable farming business that also benefits the wider environment.

Rich Thomas – Herefordshire Farmer – Explained how he was transitioning towards a more regenerative farming system, focussing on grazing and flock management to increase productivity, reduce costs and enhance biodiversity.

We were also joined by Nerys Wright from AHDB who provided an important update on the “Shape the Future of Farming” vote which is coming up for all AHDB levy payers.