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Farming is changing to take on an even greater role in looking after the environment and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The sheep sector is uniquely equipped to take on this challenge, due to the existing positive environmental work that is brought because of the way sheep are largely managed in this country – which is extensive, grass-fed systems.

Agricultural support is shifting away from direct payments for the amount of land individual farmers manage, towards environment and sustainability focused payments. Supporting farmers to improve and increase their environmental work, whilst remaining prosperous and productive, is therefore a strong focus for NSA. As the greening of agriculture takes place, there is also an increasing movement proposing the reintroduction and rewilding of animals, some of which can have damaging impacts on sheep farming.

Please find below several of our reports that highlight and quantify various benefits that sheep farming can bring to different landscapes, as well as our work on addressing the reintroduction movement.