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Business & Productivity

Now more than ever, farming businesses need to be productive and resilient. NSA believes sheep farms need a regulatory and support structure that allows them to be sustainable and prosperous. NSA supports sheep farmers across the UK in driving on-farm productivity to improve their overall business.

The right mindset can help to manage business health more effectively, develop more resilient systems, and identify potential for other income streams if appropriate. These improvements in business readiness are helping the sheep industry to plan and prepare for the future, where agriculture will continue to change, perhaps at a faster pace now than at any previous time in the history of agriculture.

Business does not stop at the farm gate, however. The UK has an extensive food supply chain, an increasing interest and market for renewable energy, an intricate rural planning system, and levy boards that redistribute funds to help develop the industry. NSA is interested in both sides of the farm gate and is focused on making sure the sheep industry is represented in these areas too.

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