Progressive Northern Ireland sheep farm showcased at NSA AGM
16th August 2024
Officeholders, members and supporters of the National Sheep Association (NSA) came together this week for the 131st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association.
Kindly hosted by progressive farmers Roger and Hilary Bell at their farm near Kells, Ballymena, Northern Ireland, the day saw the formal business of the meeting followed by an enjoyable and informative presentation and farm walk.
NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker reports: “NSA typically moves its AGM around the UK and so this year it was the turn of Northern Ireland to host. Thanks must go to Roger and Hilary for providing us with a brilliant venue. Their farm is not only doing some outstanding work with sheep, the soil, and grassland, but is also part of a network of seven farms involved in a carbon footprinting and environmental assessment project co-ordinated by the well respected John Gilliland of Brookhall Estate in Northern Ireland, and also Professor of Practice at Queens University in Belfast.”
In front of a well attended audience of NSA members and other farmers from the local area a swift and efficient AGM was completed to approve the 2023 Annual Report and accounts, and re-elect Treasurer Dave Gregory, President Lord Inglewood, and all NSA Vice Presidents. The meeting was followed by an in depth presentation by John Gilliland on livestock farming and the Net Zero challenge.
Mr Stocker continues: “Professor Gilliand’s presentation was timely given the very recent launch of the new NSA report - UK Sheep Farming and the Sustainability Agenda, and it was gratifying (but not surprising) to see some good alignment between the two areas of work. Following John’s presentation and some lively questions Roger and Hilary gave an insight to their farm and sheep management before attendees embarked on a farm walk, returning to a treat of a barbecue supper.”
Visitors enjoyed viewing the enterprise that is striving to increase and improve efficiency to maximise kg or liveweight produced per hectare from both its sheep and beef enterprises. Best management is practiced in all areas using data collection technologies to help achieve this. Roger and Hilary’s enthusiasm to adopt new technologies has previously seen them nominated for the Farmers Weekly Farm Innovator award.
Mr Stocker concludes: “Thank you again to Roger and Hilary for an insightful farm tour. The farm is a fantastic example of how data really can be crucial to move farm businesses forward. I’m certain everyone in attendance were impressed by their drive and ambition for the future."