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NSA responds to latest Lamb Watch figures

16th September 2016

In response to the AHDB Beef & Lamb Watch August figures published yesterday (Thursday 15th September), NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker makes this comment:-

“August is peak production time for UK lamb and it is right that supermarket shelves be stocked with this premium product. The majority of retailers were achieving 100% at this time of year but, once again, Asda and Tesco were lagging behind at 70% and 75% respectively. While it may be perceived as encouraging that figures from these chains are not as low as sometimes, this should be viewed in the context of difficult import conditions in recent months. The higher percentage of UK product on some supermarket shelves is a reflection of this rather than any change in sourcing policy.

“NSA praises the hard work being done by many retailers to source 100% British, particularly those who have transparent sourcing policies that support the UK sheep sector all year round. If many can do it, from budget supermarkets right through to premium ones, there is no excuse for those who don’t.”