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Defra begins to contact English sheep keepers about CPH changes

4th August 2016

Since announcing changes to sheep movement recording and movement rules earlier this year, NSA is aware that Defra is now contacting affected sheep keepers about the new CPH registration arrangements.

Defra says this entails:-

  • Giving keepers the option to merge permanent holdings and associate land used temporarily, within the new 10-mile rule.
  • Asking the keeper to apply to register any land they wish to use on a temporary basis going forward, as part of the new tCPH system.
  • Ending any SOAs they have.
  • Ending any CTS links they have.

This work is happening on a phased basis over the next 12 months and Defra says it has identified approximately 30,000 keepers who it believes will be affected by one or more of these changes. Each of these individuals will be written to and a copy of the letters you might receive can be downloaded below, so you know what to look out for. You do not need to do anything until you receive that letter, but may want to start thinking about your options now. Also available to download is a copy of the form that will be sent with the letter to allow you to register use of temporary land, and a copy of an associated guidance note on the form.

You can view the Defra annoucement of the changes here and, if this does not answer your questions, contact the Rural Services Helpline on 03000 200301 and select the CPH option. There is also a You Tube video you can watch to explain the changes.

The PDFs to download at the bottom of this page were updated on 18th January 2017, at Defra's request. The documents were updated following feedback on the new process.

Related articles: NSA encourages sheep keepers to understand how changes to livestock movement rules may benefit individual businesses.