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Premium British produce to be showcased during Love Lamb Week

19th August 2016

The National Sheep Association (NSA) is pleased to be backing Love Lamb Week and is looking forward to the week-long industry-driven initiative dedicated to increasing positive interest around British lamb.

Leading the way in promoting the activity from 1st to 7th September are the NSA Next Generation Ambassadors (pictured), a group of young sheep farmers from around the UK passionate about their work producing premium British lamb for consumption at home and abroad.

As part of a series of delivery sessions through the year to develop their skills as sheep farmers and promotors of the sheep industry, the Ambassador group also met with James Manning to discuss how to grow a positive image of the sheep sector (pictured).

James, a Herefordshire-based farmer and star of Channel 4’s First Time Farmers and BBC2’s Harvest Time, shares their enthusiasm for Love Lamb Week. He says: “Love Lamb Week is a fantastic idea, and such a brilliant way for farmers, local businesses and the media to pull together and directly target the public to encourage uptake and confidence in cooking with British lamb.

“I got the opportunity to speak to people about the initiative at the NSA Sheep Event, where it was clear just how passionate farmers are about what they produce. Channelling that energy into a strategically planned week dedicated to the promotion of British lamb is an incredibly positive thing and I encourage as many people as possible to get involved. The beauty of it is that everyone can play a part in getting the Love Lamb Week message out there, however big or small. If we all post and share Love Lamb Week related activity on social media during the week we can spread this message far and wide.”

NSA has been encouraging as many individuals as possible to get involved, whether it be hosting or supporting local and farm-based events, highlighting Love Lamb Week to local farm shops, butchers or pubs, or simply getting involved on social media using the hashtags #lovelamb and #lovelambweek. A range of resources to support this are available via