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Growing flock receives boost ahead of NSA Wales & Border Ram Sale

16th August 2016


Amongst the busy preparations for the upcoming autumn sheep sales, Sennybridge-based breeder Caroline Hall has received a boost in the form of a £200 voucher in NSA’s bimonthly free prize draw

NSA has teamed up with FecpakG2, Cox Agri/Ritchey and JG Animal Health to give away £200 vouchers every other month throughout 2016. Caroline is one of three winners in the fourth prize draw of the year and walks away with a voucher to spend with JG Animal Health. Winners are chosen at random from new NSA members and existing members who recommend someone to join the organisation.

Caroline, who runs a smallholding in the Cilieni Valley at Sennybridge, Powys, says she is thrilled to be a winner and is looking forward to putting the voucher towards some quality products to use on her newly established flock of Bluefaced Leicester rams. She explains: “I started my small ram breeding enterprise after by partner gave me a ewe lamb for my birthday two years ago. I’ve since expanded the flock, purchasing several breeding ewes and a ram from the NSA Wales & Border Sale at Builth Wells. With my first progeny ready for sale this year, I’ll be returning to Builth in September this year. Hopefully it’ll be a successful day for me, but we’ll see what happens.”

Being an NSA member also means Caroline she is able to enjoy selling at NSA ram sales, but she says she is also looking forward to receiving the NSA’s technical information to help her as she continues to grow her flock.

This year’s NSA Wales & Border Ram Sale is on Monday 19th September at the Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells. More at