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NSA lynx report, press coverage

11th April 2016

Ahead of the impending application for permission to trial the release of Eurasian lynx into the wild in this country, proposed by the Lynx Trust UK in 2015, NSA has published a report - The wider consequences of the introduction of Eurasian lynx to the UK – officially launched on Friday 8th April 2016.

Marking the launch with an industry roundtable discussion in London, NSA welcomed a number of contributors who were able to provide excellent context on the issue. These included Phil Stocker (NSA Chief Executive), Tomas Olsson (NSA member from Sweden who presently loses many sheep to lynx and wolves), Sybil Macpherson (NSA Scottish Region Chairman who struggles with predation by sea eagles) and Perrin Dineley (NSA member and the first person in England to gain permission to control ravens on his farm).

Thursday 24th March

Westmorland Gazette- ‘Sheep farmers reveal fears over wild cat proposal’ – This article from the Westmorland Gazette specifically focusses on the threat a reintroduction of lynx would have on farm businesses, alongside the difficulties the industry already presents. Concerns over controlling a lynx population once a small number of them have been released is also touched upon. Click here to read the full story.

Friday 8th April

Farm Business- ‘New report on consequences of releasing lynx in UK countryside’ – This article from Farm Business highlights some of the points made by speakers at the reports launch. NSA’s concerns over the cost benefit analysis of lynx reintroduction is also highlighted. Click here to read the full story.

BBC Radio 4 Farming Today- On Friday (8th April 2016) morning’s programme Phil Stocker, NSA Chief Executive, was interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s Farming Today programme alongside Dr Paul O'Donoghue of the Lynx Trust UK. Listen again here (about six minutes into the programme).

Saturday 9th April

BBC news – ‘Wild lynx plan threatens sheep farmers' – This article from BBC news covers opposing sides of the argument, from NSA and the Lynx Trust UK, on the subject a reintroduction of lynx into the UK. Key points discussed from NSA include welfare issues, the disruption a reintroduction of lynx could have on the UK’s eco-system and NSA’s belief that the UK is too small to sustain a lynx population. Click here to read the full story.

Monday 11th April

Farmers Weekly: ‘Lynx reintroduction would be ‘final straw’ for sheep farmers’ – This article from the Farmers Weekly highlights that for many farmers, a reintroduction of the lynx would be the final straw alongside the difficulties the industry continues to present. Click here to read the full story.

Tuesday 12th April

Farmers Guardian: ‘Reintroduction of lynx could be final straw for 'fragile' sheep industry’ – This article from the Farmers Guardian highlights how a reintroduction of lynx may prove to be the final blow for many producers. It also addresses the fact that there is a very real danger of proposals coming through soon. Click here to read the full story.

Scottish Farmer: ‘Lynx plan welfare warning’ – This article from the Scottish Farmer focusses on the animal welfare implications releasing the lynx could pose. Drawing on the horrific consequences dog attacks cam have often have on sheep, it begs the question as to whether injuries would be deemed acceptable if they were being carried out by a lynx. Click here to read the full story.  

Wednesday 13th April

Scottish National: ‘Lynx project fuelling fear among farmers’ – This article from the Scottish National focuses on concerns around the unpredictable behaviour patterns of the lynx, as well as pointing out the array of animal welfare implications releasing lynx could cause. Click here to read the full story.

Scottish National: ‘Lynx project fuelling fear among farmers’ – This article from the Scottish National focuses on concerns around the unpredictable behaviour patterns of the lynx, as well as pointing out the array of animal welfare implications releasing lynx could cause. Click here to read the full story.

BBC Radio Norfolk: On Wednesday (13th April 2016) Phil Stocker, NSA Chief Executive, was interviews on BBC Radio Norfolk’s drive-time programme on the issue of lynx rewilding. The interview focusses on NSA’s concerns surrounding the voluntary funding being proposed for compensation schemes and animal welfare implications of both sheep and lynx. Listen again here (about 1.45 into the programme). 

Thursday 14th April

Plymouth Herald: ‘Bringing back the lynx will create havoc for UK sheep farmers’ – This article from the Plymouth Herald highlights NSA’s concerns in terms of the obvious risk of attack lynx would pose on sheep, but how the presence of a new predator would likely disturb behavioural and grazing habits reducing a sheep flock’s ability to thrive is general. Click here to read the full story

Saturday 16th April

Eastern Daily Press: ‘Sheep farmers voice their fears over proposed reintroduction of lynx’ – This article from the Eastern Daily Press highlights a whole range of NSA’s concerns regarding the rerelease of the lynx. It also references some of the highlights of the discussion had at the launch of NSA’s report on the issue, including Swedish sheep farmer Tomas Olsson’s experience of lynx in his country. Click here to read the full story