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NSA adds support to levy board decision to remove assurance scheme grant

15th December 2021

In response to the AHDB announcement this week that it is to discontinue its annual grant to Red Tractor Assurance, funded through levy payer funds, NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker comments: “While NSA is a strong supporter of the principle of farm assurance in order to demonstrate the sector’s credentials to the market place, and has also supported Red Tractor Assurance for many years, NSA is in agreement with this decision made by AHDB.
“For lamb producers it is questionable that all levy payers should contribute financially to one assurance/branding scheme when only circa 40% to 50% are actually members of it. It is also right to point out that there are other British assurance and certification schemes that have never enjoyed levy support.”
With AHDB now inviting its levy payers to register to have a say in how their funds are spent NSA is keen to show its support for the consultation. Mr Stocker continues: “NSA appreciates the changes that AHDB is going through and considers it essential the levy board comes through this process of change with a full review of its activities and expenditure, including levy payer input, as they have planned for Spring 2022. NSA would like to encourage all sheep farmers who pay the levy to register to vote on this now and be prepared to take part when the vote opens in the Spring.” 
Details on how to register for the levy vote can be found here.