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NSA Cymru / Wales Region welcomes future support pledge for agriculture in Wales

23rd September 2021

Following consultation on the Agriculture (Wales) White Paper earlier this year which set out Welsh Government’s ambition to reform the way in which agriculture is supported in future, Welsh Government this week (Tuesday 21st September) set out its response and forward plan.
NSA Cymru/ Wales Region has welcomed more detail being made available, giving more certainty to the industry in how it can plan for the next few years. However, the Association in Wales is cautious it will soon be looking to the UK Government through the Comprehensive Spending Review, which is due to take place, to provide the funding to support the commitments made by the Minister to maintain the BPS at the same level for the next two years.
NSA Cymru / Wales Development Officer Helen Roberts says: “We are pleased to see the commitment to maintain both the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and Glastir Contract agreements and look forward to working with Welsh Government over the next two years to bring the Agriculture Bill for Wales into place and along with the policies which will shape the industry for the next generation.
“One point we would like to raise is the announcement of the Woodland Creation Fund. NSA Cymru / Wales Region is not against this per se but is concerned over this, coupled with the private carbon credit market massively distorting land values, and resulting in farms being taken out of production and bought by companies with no interest of involvement in Wales.
“We would welcome further discussions on this to reach an outcome which is favourable to all and not see the loss of pastoral farming that is the bedrock of rural Welsh communities, nature, and landscapes, and of course our ability to produce food.”
The plans announced this week include:

  • The extension of the Glastir Advanced, Commons and Organic contracts until December 2023.
  • An intention for BPS to continue until 2023, subject to the UK Government’s comprehensive spending review.
  • Over 1.3m hectares of Welsh agricultural land come under a Glastir contract and the continuation of the scheme ensures priority sites and areas in Wales are managed effectively to achieve positive environmental outcomes. All existing eligible contract holders will be offered an extension via their RPW on-line accounts.
  • A further £7m to extend the Farming Connect programme will be granted through to March 2023.

Read the full Welsh Government statement is available to read at