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NSA welcomes third country status - but says there is still more to do

16th October 2019

The National Sheep Association (NSA) is welcoming the news that the UK has been granted listed third country status with the EU, however, is concerned about the reality of WTO tariffs.

NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker comments: “This is good news and means the EU market will continue as open to British exports. In short, trade can continue and the first hurdle is cleared. However, there is still huge concern about the high cost of tariffs for sheepmeat in the case of a no deal.”

With some 36% of British sheepmeat being exported, and 96% of that going into the EU, NSA is concerned the high tariffs associated with sheepmeat (between 40-50%) will slow exports and lead to an oversupply on our domestic market, inevitably putting pressure on farm gate prices.

NSA is hopeful a deal can still be secured by the Government, which would avert the need for tariffs at least during the transition period that would take us through until the end of December 2020. Mr Stocker continues: “We have said from the beginning that a deal that allows us to continue trading with the EU with the same trade arrangements we have currently, namely tariff free with frictionless movements, is essential for the sheep industry. We have also been insistent that the Government should be prepared to step in with effective contingency support to help our vulnerable sector through a cliff edge scenario until trade problems get resolved.”