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NSA enthused over emerging opportunities for British lamb

4th August 2023

The National Sheep Association (NSA) is enthused by emerging export markets for British lamb across the globe – and supportive of AHDB activity to help exporters exploit opportunities, including a trade mission to Kuwait next month.

Phil Stocker, NSA Chief Executive, says: “NSA is enthused by emerging opportunities for UK-produced lamb and the recently launched AHDB Beyond Borders report, which highlights existing and future export opportunities and is an important part of work by all UK levy bodies to increase market access.

“The EU remains our nearest and biggest export market, but the UK is a global exporter and, as such, it’s vital we keep track of where new opportunities are and how to make the most of them. This is exciting work by AHDB and highlights just how valuable our product is to the rest of the world. UK farmers can be proud of the high quality produce they grow under world leading sustainable methods.”

AHDB identifies the Middle-East and North Africa as providing significant opportunity for the UK, as the region’s population is growing quickly, as are the number of people with more disposable income, and particularly highlights the significant of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), a regional trading bloc made up of Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Mr Stocker continues: “Now is the time for UK exporters to capitalise on the high quality food produced in the UK and realise the demand across the globe. NSA is pleased to see AHDB delivering on its strategic objectives and working collaboratively across industry and governments on a worldwide level to cultivate the opportunities that ensure a thriving, robust sector with longevity for generations to come.”