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NSA encouraged by payment uplift but asks for more detail

5th January 2023

The National Sheep Association (NSA) is today (Thursday 5th December) welcoming the announcement from Defra that there will be an uplift to Countryside Stewardship (CS) and Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) payments to aid in tackling rising input costs.

Speaking at the Oxford Farming Conference, Farming Minister Mark Spencer announced more money for farmers and landowners through both the CS and the SFI which will provide more support to the industry and drive uptake at a time of rising costs for farmers as a result of global challenges.

NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker says: “NSA welcomes the uplift in revenue and capital payments in CS, and the additional £20/ha for the first 50 hectares, equating up to £1000 per agreement in SFI agreements. However, while this is good news, it only scratches the surface in terms of what is needed in details of the Future Farming schemes available in 2023. Farmers were originally promised a detailed prospectus before Christmas, than in the New Year, and now it looks it will likely be the end of January, by which time many farmers will be busy lambing, calving and hopefully looking forward to some fieldwork. Uncertainty still reigns even though the intention is becoming clearer.”

During his speech Minister Spencer also confirmed there would be an expanded range of actions under the schemes, which farmers could be paid for, and the details would be published soon.

Mr Stocker continues: “We have seen time and again important details and decisions being pushed into the long grass. Farmers and business managers needed more detail 12 months ago in order to establish long term business plans. Although plans of updated capital payment rates, which cover one-off projects such as hedgerow creation, along with the proposed updates to the capital and annual maintenance payments for the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) and Tree Health Pilot (THP), the full picture isn’t clear, the farming industry is desperate for detail and certainty.”