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NSA celebrates achievements of Chief Executive Phil Stocker

21st October 2022

The National Sheep Association (NSA) was thrilled to join the celebrations at the British Farming Awards last night (Thursday 20th October) as NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker was presented with the prestigious ‘Outstanding Contribution to British Agriculture’ award.

This esteemed award is designed to recognise one individual’s dedication to the farming industry who has worked tirelessly for UK farming, either through delivering innovation, championing the needs for fellow farmers, spearheading change and/or promoting the industry to the wider public.

NSA was thrilled to see Phil recognised, knowing that his passion to provide a voice for the UK sheep sector is second to none. He has been NSA Chief Executive since 2011, before that enjoying 20 years’ experience in practical farming and farm management and 14 years working in policy at the Soil Association. In Phil’s time at NSA he has transformed the membership association and contributed with confidence and authority to discussions at all levels on sheep health and welfare, genetics, trade, farm support, the environmental, rural sustainability and the wealth of public goods that sheep provide to society.

His integrity, commitment and enthusiasm mean regular invitations to decision-making forums and key events in the industry, leading to strengthened representation for the sheep sector in policymaking and trade.

On receiving the award, Phil says: “I feel incredibly grateful and humbled to win this award.  Agriculture is one of the best and most fundamental industries in the world, producing food and looking after the countryside and the wider environment, and sheep farming is central to a growing interest in sustainable farming where we integrate the protection and enhancement of our natural environment with producing food and fibre.  

“It’s easy for us, as farmers, to keep our heads down and get on with our work but awards such as these give us all the chance to sit back and celebrate the hard work of so many people who contribute to the future of farming. I also want to say that, while this award may have my name on it, there are a lot of people – colleagues and family - who are also responsible and who have given me huge support throughout my career. If I have any advice, it is to surround yourself with good people who share your values, interests and ethics – its teamwork and collaboration that has a real impact.”

As a highly respected and much-loved member of the farming industry many colleagues and associates of Phil’s have joined NSA in congratulating him on this outstanding achievement.

NSA Chairman Dan Phipps comments: “This award title sums up exactly what Phil is giving British agriculture - an outstanding contribution. The way in which he has gone about this is really what makes Phil standout; he is a man of his time. He has clear thinking around sheep farming and how it fits into a modern changing world.

“Unassuming and kind natured with a vision and clarity for the prosperity of our industry by adapting policy while understanding the pressures sheep keepers face daily, be it the weather, financial or a sheep’s ability to get the better of you just when you think you know what you are doing, Phil has lived it.”

Immediate past NSA Chairman Bryan Griffiths says: “Phil is a gifted and eloquent communicator, at ease with everyone within the industry from the youngest new entrant to the Secretary of State. His thorough understanding of all aspects of the sheep industry, together with his enthusiasm and natural charm, has earned him a seat on every decision-making forum within the industry in recent years. Throughout his time at NSA, Phil has championed the need to produce food and fibre sustainably from an enhanced environment. Current world thinking in so many ways reflects the concepts Phil has been advocating for decades.”

With his work at NSA and own personal interest, Phil is involved in the driving forward of many agricultural and environmental groups, including the Livestock Chain Advisory Group, Black Mountains Land Use Partnership, Livestock Information Service Working Group and Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture.

His involvement with the new Environmental Land Management Scheme since its inception, creating farm-led forums and facilitating dialogue between Defra and NSA pilot participants, perfectly exemplifies the valuable role he plays in creating the link between producer and policymaker.

Likewise, initiatives Phil has spearheaded, such as the NSA Next Generation programme, the newly formed Register of Sheep Advisers and an increasing number of research and development projects, has increased knowledge exchange between farmers and bridged the gap between farmers, vets, researchers and other industry experts. Active involvement in British Heritage Sheep, the Campaign for Wool and other programmes has increased understanding and appreciation of sheep farming within an incredible range of non-farmers.

All at NSA would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Phil on this amazing and much deserved achievement.