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NSA Cymru/Wales Region feed into climate aims

17th February 2022

NSA Cymru Development Officer Helen Roberts has attended the re-established Agriculture Industry Climate Change Forum (AICCF) meeting this week. The Forum’s key aim is to support the agriculture sector to transition to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and to assist the sector to adapt to climate change. Welsh Government has committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and the Programme for Government puts climate change at the heart of all policies. Given the diversity of the agricultural sector, it is necessary to work with a wide network of delivery partners to ensure the necessary expertise is drawn upon as the challenge increases. The key tasks for the Forum are set out below:

  • To coordinate, monitor and actively contribute to ‘asks’ in the Agriculture and aspects of the Land use chapters of the Net Zero Wales document (published October 2021) in line with the future agriculture and land management policy - Sustainable Farming Scheme, Sustainable Futures (Food) & the Animal Health & Welfare Framework (aspects of ‘Land use’ refers to land specifically in agricultural management, excluding forestry).
  • To promote and act as one voice for the agricultural climate change policy agenda and its subsequent action plan.
  • Members of the group will be tasked to provide narrative and evidence for their respective areas of expertise where appropriate.
  • To inform, if necessary, future communications and stakeholder communication plans associated with Climate Change.
  • Monitor progress in working with relevant projects (e.g. ERAMMP), and the Welsh Government Decarbonisation and Clean Air Programme Board Teams to deliver a robust monitoring programme for GHG emissions reductions in the agriculture sector.
  • Ensure the Climate Change actions are given priority across the relevant work areas.
  • Aim to meet at least annually with relevant Ministers to update and advise on progress. 

The group's meeting focused on the Agriculture chapter of the Net Zero plan produced by Welsh Government last year, carbon offsetting and a coming together of documents produced by the various organisations to work towards a co-ordinated approach on this subject. 

Helen comments: "We welcome being part of this multi organisational group and appreciate the opportunity to feed into the group’s aims and tasks. We will be sure to highlight the importance of Sheep and grass land management within the various systems to reach net zero.”