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NSA part of red meat fact-finding visit to New Zealand

16th March 2018

Joanne Briggs (NSA Communications Manager, and Policy Officer for England) has joined a delegation representing the UK sheep industry in New Zealand this month, as part of a fact-finding exchange between the two countries.

The purpose of the short visit, which has been funded by the UK and New Zealand governments, is for UK agriculture representatives to better understand New Zealand’s agricultural production systems framework, red meat industry supply chain, and the associated processes and regulation deployed to support an effective presence in international red meat markets.  The programme has been designed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between industry and Government, enhance relationships, create new opportunities for collaboration, and provide insights to support future agricultural production and export ambitions.

Reporting back to NSA HQ five days into the trip, Joanne says: “A relentless itinerary has meant each day so far has been absolutely packed. Two farm visits and three abattoir tours have been mixed in with presentations from various New Zealand experts on everything from climate change to trade negotiations.”

“Our New Zealand hosts have been incredibly open and generous with the information they’ve shared and, while it is an incredibly sensitive time in terms of future trade agreements, it has been a fantastic opportunity to exchange information. While we will not agree on everything, it is hugely beneficial for the UK and New Zealand to share information on sustainable and profitable lamb production, and how to stimulate demand for product in an environment of cheaper proteins and non-meat alternatives.”

Having returned from the trip, Joanne has produced an article for Sheep Farmer magazine (April/May 2018 edition), and a presentation for the UK Livestock Brexit Group (April 2018) – download both below.