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New livestock service champions farm to fork traceability

6th April 2018

Details of Defra’s plans to unveil a new Livestock Information programme (LIP) were released on Tuesday. In the announcement Defra state the new service, set to be operational from 2019, will provide the foundation for some of the best farm to fork traceability in the world when the UK leaves the EU, demonstrating our credentials as a world leader in food production. NSA has been involved with initial plans for the programme and will continue to assist in its development as the UK moves closer to its exit from the EU next year.

Responding to Defra’s news release NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker comments:“Confirmation of funding for the development of a new multi species Livestock Information Programme (LIP) is undoubtedly to be welcomed. With our current sheep movements database and the related red tape woefully not fit for purpose, this development, and our impending exit from the EU, gives us the chance to completely review our systems and develop something that is user friendly, gives us disease security, provides the confidence to countries seeking to do trade deals with us, and offers a tool to share information between farmers and through the supply chain where appropriate.

“There are two things running in parallel; the development of the new LIP and database; and in the longer term a regulatory review, and the principle NSA is pushing is one of more output and usefulness for less input effort. Importantly it is also refreshing to experience Defra and industry working together in a constructive and creative way. If this is one result of Brexit then it wasn’t one I was expecting to see although it is very welcome.”

To coincide with Defra’s announcement a video detailing some of the plans for the LIP and the response of those involved in its creation so far (including NSA) has been released. The video can be accessed and viewed here.