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Serious farming message in radio comedy

22nd August 2014

Marcus Brigstocke's BBC Radio 4 comendy 'The Brig Society' has revealed the poplar comedian as a real alley of British farming.

'The Brig Society' takes a different topic each week and today (Friday 22nd August) saw farming take its turn. Between some moments of real comedy, Marcus maes some incredibly salient points and backs the corner of the farmer through the show. Listen to the show here.

His final comment (despite resorting to the caricature that everyone who works the land is covered in muck!) sums up the general theme: “If we stopped farming and allowed techniques for breeding and knowledge to die out we won’t get them back. You switch off farming and it’s like the clock on your oven – that’s it, forever! You’ll never get it back. It’ll just be a row of zeroes blinking back at you for the rest of time ... If we pay farmers a fair price for what they produce the share price will stand it, the supermarkets will survive it, the local economy (the one that matters because people live in it!) will improve and that … is a no-brainer. So if you see a farmer give him a hug – and then for goodness sake wash your hands!”

NSA is very grateful to Marcus and his production team for allowing us a copy of the half-hour radio show. They have asked us to let people know that Series 1 of 'The Brigg Society' is available to buy (via Amazon and other retailers) and Series 2 (in which thie farming show features) will be released as 'Download-To-Own' (via iTunes and the like) around 30 days after the last of the series is aired by the BBC.