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Update on financial support available to snow-hit farmers

1st May 2013

We are still waiting for confirmation on the finer details of the support packages, but here is the latest information as it stands to date:-

England: An announcement is expected from Defra early in May listing the postcode areas that claims will be accepted from to reimburse fallen stock disposal costs. With a pot of only £250,000, farmers may have to prove a certain number of losses to be eligible. There is hope that both NFSCo members and nonmembers will be able to claim and NSA recommends keeping all paperwork and/or receipts linked to fallen stock disposals in preparation.

Wales: The £500,000 package offered by the Welsh Government is being delivered by the three farming charities – see below for details – and we are still waiting for confirmation that the EU had given the green light for affected farmers in Wales to receive their Single Farm Payment in October instead of December.

Scotland: NFSCo members will receive reimbursements to the tune of £500,000 once NFSCo has confirmed its January figures to the Scottish

Government. NSA understands Cabinet Secretary Mr Lochhead and officials
are also considering additional support, including for non-NFSCo members.

Northern Ireland: Details of hardship payments are yet to emerge but it is thought that those farmers who benefited from free fallen stock collections will have that deducted from any payment given later. However, the situation is not clear at the moment on this or any element of how funding might be distributed.

Farming Charities: The three farming charities are accepting claims from farmers throughout the UK, as well as distributing the £500,000 of Welsh Government money. Call the Addington Fund on 01926 620135, RABI on 01865 727888 (0300 1114166 in Scotland) or Farm Crisis Network on

0845 367 9990. Find more information at