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It’s all about shearing at NSA North Sheep!

20th March 2013

It has been announced that NSA North Sheep 2013, being held at Crimple Head Farm, Beckwithshaw near Harrogate will this year feature what is believed to be the first ever invitation shearing competition to be held in Yorkshire.

Pre-invited shearers will compete at this biennial one-day event on Wednesday 5th June. The competition, which is being sponsored by Craven Cattle Marts and W.M. Horner, has been initiated by Richard Wilson (pictured), the son of David Wilson whose family is hosting the event.

Richard, 28, has been a keen sheep shearer from a very young age. After attending numerous courses with the British Wool Marketing Board and gaining his Gold Seal Shearing Award, he became a fully qualified sheep shearer. To gain further experience Richard had two visits to New Zealand during the winter months. In addition to being an integral member of the farming enterprise at Crimple Head Farm, he runs a sheep shearing business in partnership with Richard Pedley of Kirby Lonsdale. During the summer,  they shear in the region of 25,000 sheep  across North Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbrian borders.

This year, NSA North Sheep has ensured the focus is very firmly on the future of the sheep farming industry and the next generation. The event is aiming to top its success from 2011, which attracted over 7,000 farming visitors and 230 trade stands.

When asked why he was so keen to introduce the shearing competition, to the day Richard said: “This is a focussed sheep event and we were keen to demonstrate a very important skill to the younger generation that is so often overlooked. Our shearers are all from the North of England and will be competing to BISCA (British Isles Shearing Competition Association) rules. The winner will receive a hand piece which has been donated by W.M. Horner and £200, the runner up £175 and 3rd place £150. All of our contestants will receive a vest from W.M. Horner. I hope that this event will be a success.”

The line-up of judges is as impressive as those on the X Factor!

  • Richard Schofield: British Wool Marketing Board Shearing Personality of the Year 2011.
  • Colin McGregor, former Scottish Shearing Champion and British Wool Marketing Board Shearing Manager.
  • Chris Chomse, NSA North Sheep 2011 Committee Member and Northumberland County Show Chairman.

NSA North Sheep is the largest biennial sheep event held in the North of England and the organisers are totally committed to encouraging the younger generation. The 2013 event competitions will include stockjudging and lamb selection, plus practical sheep management skills in the third NSA North Sheep Young Shepherd of the Year Competition.

The organising committee have sorted a comprehensive array of activities for the day, including dry stone walling demonstrations, spinning and weaving, as well as traditional farmers market and craft stalls, ensuring nobody will be left out.

The hosts are J.M.Wilson & Sons, who have been farming at Crimple Head Farm for over 100 years and now has three generations of sheep farmers looking after their 1,000 acres on the outskirts of Harrogate. The Wilson family are keen supporters of the traditional Yorkshire breeds and David Wilson, Richard’s father, is Chairman of the Dalesbred Sheep Breeders’ Association and the Masham Sheep Breeders Association.

For further information on classes, trade stands and sponsorship at NSA North Sheep 2013 please contact event organiser Julie Sedgewick on 07836 773888 or visit