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NSA Northern Region welcomes a new Chairman and recognises a stalwart of the industry

14th February 2013

The NSA Northern Region AGM last night (13th February) saw Geoff Lawn complete his two years as regional Chairman and hand over the reins to Adam Watson of Brampton, Northumberland. Mr Watson, a keen supporter of sheep genetics and the next generation of producers, is also the Chairman of NSA North Sheep 2013 Chairman, to be held at Crimplehead Farm, Beckwithshaw, Harrogate on 5th June.

Mr Lawn said he’d had a great two years as Chairman, met a lot of great people and been to places he never thought he would. He said he’d gained a greater appreciation of the sheep sector, including the need to promote sheep as having a low carbon footprint because they graze permanent pasture, and the need to protect trade opportunities, even if it meant embracing the necessary evil of EID.

He finished his term by thanking Mr Watson for being a great Vice Chairman and also voicing huge gratitude to Julie Sedgewick (Regional Manager) and Eddie Eastham (Regional Treasurer). These two both remain in their current roles and are joined by Greg Dalton as the region’s new Vice Chairman.

Also at the AGM, the T.I. Allinson Memorial Award for outstanding contribution to the sheep industry in the North of England went to auctioneer Stuart Bell.

Mr Lawn read the award citation for Mr Bell: "Stuart Bell this year celebrated 40 years as an auctioneer - but to many people he is much, much more. Coming from a farming family in Wensleydale, his roots are firmly held within the sheep industry and he is a well-respected, great ambassador for us all, travelling the length and breadth of the British Isles in support of all who work within the sector.

"A great supporter and member of, among other things, the North of England Mule Sheep Association and the Swaledale Sheep Association, his in-depth and extensive knowledge of the sheep and their bloodlines is second to none, and his professional advice frequently sought.

“Stuart is based at Harrison and Hetherington’s Kirkby Stephen Mart, having worked from this site since July 1975, taking over the management in 1979. He is a familiar face to all who visit the various H&H Marts and to those who meet him at the many shows and agricultural events he attends around the UK.

“Held in high regard as an auctioneer, valuer, advisor, judge and stockman, Stuart has proven his trade by working his way through the industry, gaining the respect of his clients, colleagues, friends and associations and show a dedication few could conceive.”

Stuart Bell (center) receives the T.I. Allinson Memorial Award from NSA Chairman John Geldard (left) and retiring NSA Northern Region Chairman Geoff Lawn (right).