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Wealth of pre-lambing topics covered on farm walk

17th January 2013

Foul weather failed to deter County Down sheep farmers from attending the farm of J.H. Montgomery and Partners at Killough, for an event organised by

AgriSearch, in conjunction with NSA, AFBI and CAFRE.

Over 80 producers heard AFBI vet Jason Barley warn about the dangers posed to sheep flocks by fluke following the wettest year in a generation. This weather had helped fluke and their snail hosts thrive and spread, often following flooding, onto grazing land not normally associated with this deadly parasite.

Mr Barley also reminded producers that the range of animal health products available to combat fluke was still very limited, and so fluke were developing resistance to some products and care must be taken by farmers neither to under or over dose.

Another topic covered at this event was the need to check for mineral deficiency, as an AFBI survey across NI found that 68% of ewes tested were deficient in selenium, with the problem especially common around Killough, up the Strangford shore and on the Ards.

Getting your local veterinary practice to take a blood sample from ewes a month before lambing was strongly recommended. This could then be checked at AFBI’s Stormont lab for important minerals such as cobalt, selenium, copper, zinc and iodine.

In a lively debate between guests speakers, Alan Montgomery and other farmer co-researchers covered topics including ensuring pregnant ewes were properly fed in a winter where many producers were left with only mediocre silage in the wake of endless wet weather last ‘summer.’

The role of simple record keeping in boosting flock efficiency and reducing workloads at lambing time was also discussed. Host Alan Montgomery, a founder member of Strangford Down Lamb Producers Group, provoking a lively debate when he reported on AgriSearch supported trials conducted on the farm with AFBI scientists. This includes a rotational breeding programme producing replacement ewes using Belclare,Texeland Highlander crosses.

This year Alan is again feeding ewes in the month before lambing on a maize silage-based diet supplemented with soya in late pregnancy. Stubble turnips are used for store lamb finishing.

 For further details of farm based AFBI trials supported by AgriSearch, the NI agricultural research and development council, visit or email to receive a free monthly update.