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NSA pleased by Cumbria County Council decision on AMLS

21st September 2012

Cumbria County Council has rejected plans to stop inputting data into Animal Movement Licensing Service (AMLS) - a decision that NSA encouraged them to take and is delighted to be informed of.


NSA voiced its concern earlier this year when the council made the proposal, also encouraging individual NSA members to apply pressure. It was therefore very pleasing to hear on Monday (17th September) that ‘after careful consideration’ Cumbria County Council's Cabinet rejected the plan.


In a letter to the NSA, Council Leader Eddie Martin said: “Cabinet was reassured that Defra is committed to replacing the existing paper system with electronic reporting and are considering the introduction of a simplified disease control standstill system. The Council will continue to use Defra monies to capture sheep and goat movement on AMLS until the replacement system is operational, thereby protecting livestock, businesses and the integrity of the food chain.”