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NSA collecting names of farmers wanting help with lambing

13th September 2012

The NSA is once again collecting the names of members who would like temporary help during lambing, which will then be circulated to NSA student members and agricultural and vet colleges.


If you would like to be added to the list please email with…

  • Your full name
  • NSA membership number
  • Address
  • Contact telephone numbers
  • Dates you require help from and to
  • Whether or not you require experienced help
  • Number of ewes to lamb, indoors/outdoors etc
  • No. of students/helpers required

A testimonial recently received from Georgina Ferguson shows just how valuable students find the experience. She says: “Myself and a fellow first year vet student from Liverpool Vet School arranged and went to a farm in Exmoor, whose contact details I obtained via your list. We spent two weeks with their 900 ewes and our time spent was invaluable. We could not have learnt any more, gained any more hands-on experience, or forwarded our knowledge further than we did with the owners. They kindly put us up, fed us and shared as much of their knowledge with us as possible in those two weeks. Comparing our experience with fellow vet students highlights how much experience we gained and the trust the owners put in us to help with their sheep. We are very grateful to both the owners and also to the NSA for putting us in contact. It’s very difficult sometimes for vet students to make new contacts and find people willing to help us gain experience.”