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ADAS Fallen Stock Questionnaire

4th May 2012

Before 2003 the majority of fallen stock was buried, but after the introduction of the Animal By-Product Regulations farmers are unable to use burial as a means to dispose of fallen stock. Farmers have to use one of the three options below to dispose of fallen stock.

            1. Collection and heat treatment- via an approved company

            2. A knackers yard or hunt kennel

            3. Small scale incineration in an approved incinerator.


All of these means are expensive, and Bangor University have been looking at developing a simple, manageable means of storing fallen stock on farm.


Bioremediation is an aerobic process of breakdown of carcasses in a sealed pit that has been used successfully for sheep and pigs, but would not be suitable for larger animals such as cattle.  At present the method has not been approved for use on farms but Bangor are pursuing this with the EU.


ADAS are aiming to gather a wide range of opinions from farmers and other stakeholders involved in the industry as to their perception of this technology, and how they think that it would work in practice. If you could take a few moment to complete the questionnaire below it would be appreciated.


Please email responses to