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NSA Sheep 2012: wool clinic + fleece awards

3rd May 2012

Sheep farmers will be able to find out about adding more value to their wool clip and inspect some of the finest fleeces at NSA Sheep 2012, the industry’s biennial event to be staged by the National Sheep Association at the Three Counties Show Ground, Malvern on Wednesday 4 July.


The British Wool Marketing Board will be staging a wool clinic featuring demonstrations throughout the day on improving presentation and quality. There will be an opportunity to discuss the current improved wool price trends and shearing training, as well as the successful Campaign for Wool (CfW) which is promoting the huge versatility and durability of wool in both fashion and interior furnishings.


NSA will also staging its fleece awards open to all sheep farmers and featuring seven sections - fine, medium, cross, lustre, hill, mountain and natural coloured fleeces.


“UK sheep producers are finally achieving a more acceptable price for their wool after over 20 years of poor returns and loss, thanks to a stronger demand worldwide coupled with reduced supply due to the declining sheep numbers,” says NSA Sheep 2012 organiser, Helen Davies. “The BWMB’s wool clinic will offer an opportunity for farmers, incentivised by the trends, to investigate how to make more of this growing asset.”

