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NSA South West Annual Report

10th April 2012

At the regional AGM it was time for change.  Our regional Chairman David Gregory felt that with the reorganisation of the NSA and the new board coming into being, it was a suitable time for him to retire.   

The new Chairman is Robert Jordan.  He is a member of the well respected Jordan family and farms in partnership with his parents and brother.  This is a mixed hill farm on the east side of Dartmoor, with 500 acres in bye and 2000 acres of common grazing.  Stock consists of 200 pedigree South Devon and Galloway suckler cows and 1000 ewes, mainly Scotch Blackfaces, also North Country Cheviots, Scotch Mules, Herdwicks and Texels.  They also have one of the oldest herds of Dartmoor ponies.  Robert is a well known face at shows and sales throughout the country. 

The new Vice Chairman is Bryan Griffiths from Umberleigh in North Devon.  He farms 320 acres in partnership with his wife Liz.  They run 850 ewes and 70 cattle and anyone who attended the farm walk the NSA held there will know the high standards of stockmanship on the farm.  Bryan is a past Chairman and current member  of South Molton Sheep Group so meets large numbers of sheep farmers and gets their views on the current state of the industry. 

Our speakers for the rest of the evening was a member of Devon & Cornwall Constabulary Crime Prevention Unit.   He gave useful tips on ways we can help to protect our property (I’m sure the sale of trackers for quads/tractors has rocketed) and how we can help the police to help us.

Second up was Philip Derryman who was runner up in the World Young Shepherd Finals held in New Zealand.  ‘Inspirational’ was how one person described the presentation.

Finally Phil Stocker spoke on his hopes for the future of the NSA and the sheep industry.