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NSA South Sheep

28th March 2012

With plans well in hand for the NSA South Sheep event, the organising committee are delighted to announce that Novartis Animal Health and Randall Parker Foods have again agreed to be the Major Sponsors of the day.  Mole Valley Farmers have also renewed their commitment to younger people by sponsoring the Shepherd of the Future competition, with a £1,000 prize fund and the winner (age permitting) representing the region at the National at Malvern in July.  New this year is a section for students at agricultural college with a £500 prize fund.

A full programme of seminars is being arranged with something to suit everyone.  Alongside the trade and breed society stands there will be a range of competitions, demonstrations and the farm tour.  Full details will be in the May/June issue of the Sheep Farmer and on the event website that can be accessed from or from event organiser Sue Martyn. Tel: 01409 271385/07967512660 or email: