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NSA Scottish Region tackles Scottish Lynx release consultation

19th August 2020

NSA Scottish Region is criticising the Lynx UK Trust following the announcement of it pursuing a consultation on the re-introduction of Lynx in Central Scotland whilst carrying out an ecological feasibility study and meeting with senior officials at Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). The trust has been denied licences to release the Eurasian Lynx, an apex predator, into the British countryside in the past, and NSA Scottish Region is once again reminding the proposers to note the devastating effects this could impact on our sheep industry in the future.

NSA Scottish Region Chairman Jen Craig comments: “NSA Scottish Region will continue to represent the views of sheep farmers and crofters in Scotland who would be greatly impacted by any reintroduction of species into the country. The last consultation to date carried out by Lynx UK Trust was flawed and subsequently denied. It is also worth remembering that the Cabinet Secretary Fergus Ewing has also made his disapproval of any reintroduction in the past quite clear and we will continue to ensure that view is maintained in Scotland. Yet another predator to our flocks is certainly not required in these very tumultuous times.”