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NSA Scottish Region welcomes new Regional Coordinator

16th January 2020

NSA Scottish Region is delighted to have recently welcomed new Regional Coordinator Grace Reid to the team. Grace will support the region by providing a key communications function for NSA Scottish Region, as well as logistical and practical support to help with its day to day work.

NSA Scottish Region Chairman, Jennifer Craig comments: “We’re really happy to have Grace on board at NSA Scottish Region, she’ll bring fresh enthusiasm and knowledge to the role and I have no doubt she’ll become a pivotal part of the region’s work and I look forward to working with her.” 

Miss Reid, who was born in Northern Ireland and moved to Scotland in 2006, comments: “Growing up, there was no escaping my involvement with sheep as pedigree sheep has always been a passion for my family for a few generations. In 2006 a decision was made by my parents to move to Scotland to consolidate and develop our farming activities.”

Miss Reid studied Agri-Business at Harper Adams, spending her placement at Highland Meats (A division of Dawn Meats), she comments: “My university placement gave me my first insight into the deadweight world. My role was in the Livestock Team as a Select Farm Beef & Lamb Auditor whilst assisting and gaining experience in all levels of a fully functional abattoir supply chain.

“From there I progressed on to work with Scotbeef Ltd in Central Scotland where I began auditing part-time in 2016 while finishing my degree and advanced on to a full-time job within the Procurement team. My role allowed me to travel extensively throughout the UK but mostly in Scotland to procure high-quality beef and lamb to meet demanding retail customer specifications.

“I have been fortunate that I have been able to have a career in such a thriving agricultural setting thus far and I strive to ensure that this continues in the future.”

Miss Reid assumed the role in early January and has been busy meeting other industry representatives and will be present at NSA Scottish Regions Annual Regional Members Meeting, and Burns Night Supper, tomorrow (Friday 17th January). Grace concludes: “I’m really looking forward to seeing new acquaintances and old at the meeting and getting fully engaged with my role.”