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NSA Scottish Region responds to resignation of First Minister

16th February 2023

Following yesterday’s announcement of the resignation of Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, the National Sheep Association (NSA) Scottish Region is continuing to uphold the importance of continuity and consistency amongst an increasingly turbulent landscape for the Scottish agricultural industry.

This most recent change in Scotland’s leading political party comes at a time of continued volatility across the farming industry with increased input costs, changes to farming policy and the anticipated rollout of future farming schemes.

NSA Scottish Region advocates the absolute importance of stability and continuity amongst government to ensure businesses are able to navigate uncertainties within the marketplace. Alongside this, increased communication is required to ensure consequences of poor or ill-informed decisions on future financial and policy support which could destabilise and damage primary production businesses, thus negatively impacting the wider supply chain at the same time.

Additional coupling with the current political landscape around the world further emphasises the necessity to have a united and stable Government which isn’t distracted from its task and can embed food and farming policies that span beyond parliamentary terms. NSA Scottish Region is again calling for protection and recognition of the hard earned standards we are held to and champion them along with ensuring farmers are kept on the land and rewarded for the food they produce. Government must commit to understanding the Scottish industry across its varied departments and realise the value of Scotland as a food producing nation and its contribution to our environment and unique landscape not to mention the rest of the nations which make up the UK.