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South Wales smallholder final lucky recipient of NSA and Solway membership prize

10th May 2022

As a keen smallholder, Eifion Thomas from Bonvilston in the Vale of Glamorgan is looking forward to using his prize of lambing pens in the years ahead following his name being drawn as the lucky winner of the National Sheep Association’s (NSA) final membership prize draw with quality recycled product manufacturer Solway Recycling.

Eifion (pictured) returned to sheep keeping 14 years ago when the opportunity to purchase a property with some land came up. He exaplains: “My ‘Taid’, the Welsh word for Grandfather, farmed in North Wales, and on retirement bought a smallholding where we lived next door to him. I was only young, but I remember always being out and about with him helping with the sheep and loving it. I always had an urge to keep some sheep again if I was ever fortunate to do so. With the help of my neighbour, Tudor Harris, who sold me my first Blue Faced Leicesters I now have my own small flock! My cousins still farm in North Wales today.”       

On signing up to join NSA Eifion was automatically entered into the membership prize draw that ran from February 2021 to February 2022. He was recently named as the fourth lucky winner of the prize of a lamb warming box and deluxe lambing pens kindly donated by Solway Recycling as part of NSA’s 2021/22 membership prize giveaway.
Eifion continues: “I joined NSA to keep informed and updated on news and handy information – I need all the help I can get! I was absolutely delighted to be named as one of the winners.

“I’m really excited to get the Solway prize; my sheep shed isn’t that big, but these new pens are space efficient, easy to use and store so it’s great - it might make me look like a real farmer.”

Founded more than 20 years ago Solway Recycling Ltd is highly experienced in the recycling of waste agricultural products. By running its own farm waste collection service and then returning many products back onto farm in a new and usable form a closed loop is created both ecologically & physically.

NSA thanks Solway for its support in the 2021/2022 membership giveaway and for help in sharing the benefits of NSA membership to a wider audience.

Sheep farmers now interested in joining the sheep farming organisation have the chance to win a Te Pari mobile sheep handling system. Details of this can be found on the NSA website at

In addition to the opportunity to win fantastic prizes to ease the running of sheep farming enterprises, NSA membership subscription importantly supports NSA’s work to provide a voice for the UK sheep sector and gives access to a wide range of benefits which are detailed on the NSA website here.