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New competition offers young UK sheep farmers access to free expert advice

5th April 2022

Three lucky young sheep farmers will receive valuable mentoring from industry experts for free this summer, thanks to a competition launched today by the National Sheep Association (NSA) Next Generation programme and the Register of Sheep advisers (RoSA).

NSA Next Generation is a programme that is dedicated to encouraging and supporting the sheep farmers and service providers of the future. By joining up with RoSA, a network of professional sheep advisers, on this new project, NSA Next Generation is excited to develop the support offered to young shepherds further.

RoSA launched its service bringing together experienced and knowledgeable sheep advisers in summer 2021. Sheep farmers using the register can access and benefit from appropriate advice from recognised professionals who can support them to develop sustainable farming systems.

To celebrate RoSA's approaching first anniversary in June, advisers on the register have agreed to give each of the three lucky winners in the new competition up to three hours of professional advice.

Applications are open to anyone aged under 35 working with their own sheep, on a family farm, employed as a shepherd or in a share farming agreement.

The three winners will be personally matched with a RoSA adviser best suited to their individual circumstances, who will help encourage and direct them towards their flock aims.

The timing of the competition could not be better, given the difficult decisions facing all producers around changes to support systems and rising farm-input costs. Liz Genever, independent adviser and RoSA Board member, comments: “The rapid changes in input costs during the past few months are encouraging farmers to evaluate their current systems. Sheep advisers have an important role to play in helping farmers to make decisions about appropriate changes to their businesses. This opportunity will allow some young sheep farmers to access the best advisers in the UK to help them push their businesses forward.”

Young sheep farmers can enter the competition by completing a simple application form, providing some basic advice about their current employment or business on the NSA Next Generation website or by visiting before 5pm on Friday 6th May.

More information on RoSA can be found at