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Annual NSA members meeting in Scotland moved to new February date

26th January 2022

National Sheep Association (NSA) members and others linked to the sheep industry in Scotland are invited to the NSA Scottish Region Annual Members’ Meeting (ARMM) on Friday 25th February – a new date to the one originally advised.
Jen Craig, NSA Scottish Region Chairman, says: “We did not take the decision lightly to postpone the ARMM from the original date in late January, and hope we have not inconvenienced anyone in doing so. However, we felt it was important to have absolutely everything lined up so we can present our plans for 2022 and beyond.
“The impact of coronavirus has been felt by as all, as individuals and businesses. With restrictions now finally starting to ease, we want to go into 2022 with our best foot forward – with a well-structured committee with invigorated officeholders, plans for various activities and, of course, our flagship NSA Scot Sheep event set to be the best ever. We will be able to provide a detailed update to all attendees on Friday 25th February and look forward to seeing members and others there.”
In recognition of the ongoing pandemic, and the huge geographical area that NSA Scottish Region encompasses, members will be able to attend the meeting in person at United Auctions Stirling Market, or via Zoom. The start time is 3pm and all details can be found on the NSA Scotland website. It is an open meeting, although only NSA members and registered breed society representatives are eligible for vote.
Miss Craig continues: “As well as the main business, we are very pleased that Dr Chris Cousens from the Moredun Research Institute will join us to give an update on iceberg diseases, providing a practical element to the afternoon. This will be a great addition to proceedings and I encourage people to come and hear more.
When the ARMM was originally planned for January, it was to be followed by an industry dinner. Uncertainty surrounding covid-19 restrictions for large hospitality events made that impossible, but the intention is to still hold it later in the year. NSA Scottish Region will keep members updated.