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Richard Oglesby

Richard Oglesby 31 Northumberland

Richard has made impressive progress in the industry from his initial entry to sheep farming as a teenager with just a handful of sheep. Now, alongside his wife, he runs 1,440 mostly Lleyn ewes plus 800 ewe lambs on land as part of a contract farming agreement. Richard’s passion for the industry was clear to see during his ambassador interview as he explained his involvement with several projects that can help further progress within his own flock and the wider UK  sheep sector. He comments: “I very much enjoy being part of industry peer groups, they give me chance to continue my learning of the industry from a range of enterprises, something I am passionate about, whilst also sharing our experiences to hopefully assist others.” Richard is already a member of the NSA Northern Region committee so will be well placed to share the benefits of this level of involvement with NSA to the group this year.