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Perry Parkinson

Perry Parkinson 27 Dumfries & Galloway

As an employed shepherd at SRUC’s Barony campus in Dumfries and Galloway, Perry revels in the opportunity to run 500 North of England and Scotch Mules in an environment that is open to trialling different ideas for the benefit of the systems sheep flock and the sector as a whole whilst educating the next generation of sheep farmers. Perry says he applied to become an Ambassador as he wanted to challenge himself, learn more and put himself in a position where he could hopefully help more young people to get in to farming. He comments: "I’m over the moon to be accepted and feel very privileged and honoured to be part of such an impressive group of young sheep farmers. I am looking forward to travelling across the UK to view other systems and as a new entrant myself hopefully showing other young people you don’t have to be from a farm to have a successful career in sheep farming.” 

Perry kept a blog in 2022

March. How do I describe the start of March? A tornado of lambs doesn’t even cut it! Within the first 10 days of March, I was three quarters of the way through my lambing which was both great but also a struggle. I should probably add that my litter of labrador pups arriving the same night I started lambing didn’t exactly help matters! Thankfully the weather has been on my side for the most part, allowing for ewes and lambs to be turned out after 24 hours. I’ve found myself using the refractometer more and more, and almost becoming addicted to seeing that magic blue line hitting that 30+. Another focus on this year's lambing was the arrival of my first Primera lambs. After buying three elite Primera tups through Innovis back in the autumn, it’s been a very long wait to see lambs on the ground – but I can tell you now that I certainly haven’t been disappointed. Between easy lambing and nice stretchy lambs, I’ll 1000% be sticking to the Primeras from now on. Alongside lambing I’ve been filming for Channel 5’s ‘Springtime on the Farm’ which, for someone who hates the sound of their own voice, wasn’t easy, as you’ll probably appreciate. I’ve now got a whole new appreciation for vloggers! Now I’m just anxiously waiting on the last 40 ewes to lamb before the Highlanders start outside in mid-April…wish me luck!

End of the year comment: This last year has been a real honour and privilege. I didn’t really know what to expect when I signed up but can honestly say it’s blown any expectations I had out of the water. Every workshop we attended meant something to each one of us on a different level and, without even knowing it, made us realise what we were on the programme for in the first place. I’ve made friends for life while meeting some incredible farmers and industry leaders along the way. This has already helped me in my career through contacts, advice and new people to pick their brains about certain ideas. I’d truly recommend this programme to any young shepherds out there looking to gain more knowledge, meet new people or to just get themselves out there.