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Llewellyn Rosser

Llewellyn Rosser 22 Gloucestershire

Contract shepherding and running his own flock of 350 ewes on rented ground, new entrant Llewellyn has overcome some of the challenges faced by many young farmers to acquire land to be able to progress their businesses. Building up his flock from scratch with no support payments means Llewellyn is conscious to produce lambs efficiently - setting him up, he hopes, to be able to grow numbers in the future. Llewellyn is looking forward to meeting like minded people during the programme and believes the chance to get off farm both to learn and network will help him with his own confidence as well as his business. He is also keen to become involved with NSA longer term, he says: “I believe the programme will help me massively and so I am looking forward to getting involved in my NSA region giving back for what I’m about to gain.”