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Ailish Ross

Ailish Ross 29 West Midlands

Ailish may be a an already familiar face to many as her job with the Texel Sheep Society regularly takes her across the UK to sales and shows meeting NSA members. This role has given Ailish fantastic opportunity to travel and network, but she admits her knowledge and experience of the wider sector is something she would like build on and she hopes the programme will help her to achieve this. Although her day job keeps her away from practical farming, Ailish enjoys spending weekends shepherding alongside her partner in South Wales running a flock of 1,200 Lleyn ewes. She says: “I am happiest working outside with sheep. I do not come from a farming background but have worked hard over the past 10 years to gain experience and I hope to soon be in a position to start my own small flock. The ambassador programme will put me in an even better position to do so.”