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Kate Robinson


“A group of our sheep were attacked by a black Labrador who was out an unattended. The result totalled eight injured and two dead that afternoon, four had to be put to sleep the following morning and are two of the badly wounded ones that we hope will survive. Every lamb was attacked in the neck area, as you can see from the photograph all the lambs died or had to be put down from puncture wounds. The attack was witnessed and the dog identified, the owner denies it was their dog. It has been reported to the police. Any responsible dog owner should never leave their dog unattended.”

“A few days later, the dog did attack again and the owner immediately phoned us to apologise and offer compensation for all of the lambs. She did request if she were to send the dog away, would we allow it to live, which we agreed to which she then followed up on her promise. So it was a good outcome for a horrible situation in which both parties were satisfied with the outcome.

“On a less positive note we have had two separate dog attacks in the last three days. A dog chased some ewes into a lake and drowned four as they couldn't get out. Although no bite marks were on the ewes, witnesses saw it happen and called the police so the dog and owner were caught. It's pending whether the owner will actually pay any compensation.”

“The second attack was in a completely separate location. A dog got in with 40 ewes and a ram. Two were seriously hurt, with the one having to be put down due to the underneath of both front legs being torn out and a lot of bites to her rear legs. The other suffered one tear under her front leg, the vet has sewn her up hoping she will live. Another ewe suffered cuts to her face, and the ram a small cut under his eye.”

The ewes which were chased into a lake by a dog and subsequently drowned.
A ewe suffers a nasty tear to the leg.
A lamb suffers wound to the neck.
Kate's ram with a cut underneath his eye.