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John Wood


“We have suffered at least 10 sheep-worrying incidences in the last 18 months. The severity ranges from the sheep being chased, right up to their faces being badly mauled. The chasing doesn’t seem too bad at the time but the losses between scanning and lambing last year equated to nearly £6,000.

"Often the owners just say that their dogs have never done anything like it before. Occasionally they will pay something towards the damage that was caused, but I don’t always see the owner or the incident happening.

"I have 1,300 ewes near Bournemouth, which are Suffolks and Mules. Not one of my fields has a footpath in it and yet we still have a serious issue. The police do get involved, but once I was passed onto the dog warden. I kicked up a stink then because it is definitely a police matter. They could do with a bit of an education on sheep related crime.

"Facebook has been a wonderful thing for getting the message out to members of the public. Social media is a tool farmers should make use of to raise awareness of issues like this.”