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For the Public

Do you want to know more about sheep and the farmers that keep them? Then you have come to the right place.

For The Public

Sheep have been farmed in the UK since the Roman times and are a traditional and important part of our modern environment, economy and rural society. Today, there are around 30 million sheep and lambs in the UK and the value of production was around £1.3 billion in 2020. With around 150,000 jobs across sheep farms and associated industries, employment in the sheep industry is worth approximately £290 million to the economy.

The industry provides a range of high-quality products, from delicious meat for your dinner table to high-quality wool for clothing and insulation, among other uses. For 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, the industry also proudly delivers a range of vital services, including world class animal welfare and environmental benefits that tackle issues such as climate change, flooding and biodiversity loss.

NSA represents the views and interests of all sheep producers throughout the UK and strives for a sustainable and prosperous sheep industry. However, the industry continuously needs your support so that it can continue to provide the many benefits that are enjoyed by us all.

Below, you will find a host of resources about the industry and how you can support UK sheep farmers and all the good work they do.