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Sheep Breeders Round Table 2021

With Covid-19 restrictions still impacting on face-to-face events, NSA along with the rest of the SBRT Organising Committee, hosted a free-to-attend, week-long event. The online format meant the biennial Sheep Breeders Roundtable (SBRT) was more accessible in 2021 than ever before.

NSA was an active part of the organising committee, bringing together six excellent webinars over the five-day period from Monday 15th November 2021. NSA, Signet and the four UK levy bodies each hosted a session with speakers including a variety of industry experts, sheep breeders and international guests. The online conference provided the foundations for the event returning to its face-to-face format in November 2022.

Webinar series for SBRT 2021

Session 1: Back to basics- A practical guide on why and how to use EBVs within your commercial flock

Session 2: Breeding more efficient ewes

Session 3: Innovative technology to support the sheep sector

Session 4: Terminal sire breeding and new ways to sell stock

Session 5: Future proofing your sheep business

Session 6: Breeding sheep for the future – genetics to meet the requirements of farmers, society and policymakers

The online platform for the sessions was provided by AHDB.