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NSA Eastern Region Youthful Shepherds Day

Date: 10th June 2017

Location: Rutland Stud, Saxon Street, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9RS

I would like to say a big “Thank You” to those who had an involvement in the event and to everyone who came along on the day, in particular the young competitors. To all committee members present or not,some had an input though unable to be there on the day. A huge effort on many people’s part to bring it all together on the day.

To Jonathan and Carroll for all the behind the scenes work that all came together on the day. To John and Carroll Maxwell for meeting and greeting arrivals.
Thanks to Phil Hambling Head offood and farming at the NFU (and his PA) for kindly coming along and his opening words getting the event underway. The whole event would not be able to runwithout the kind generosity of all the sponsors, a very generous donation from the principal sponsors Randall Parker Foods, represented on the day by Kevin Brown and James Coleman.

A huge thank you to Andrew Foulds for once again going through his sizeable contact book in search of financial support and of course to all those who’s sponsorship made the day possible. It was great that so many people who had sponsored the day were able to come and join us on the day taking time to engage with the younger people.

Thanks to Liam O’Rourke and Godolphin for allowing the event and the staff input from myself, Andy, and Bob to Garry Gilbert and team getting everywhere spick and span. To the garden department for flower displays. Health and safety, security and the electrical team for the PA system were all instrumental in the day going ahead.

The competition was run very professionally by James Bickerton from Reaseheath College, his wife Sue and daughters Zoe and Holly. Personally, it made a tremendous
difference to myself and Carroll Barber in freeing time and pressure to concentrate on other elements of the event. They kept the whole competition tight with the help of Tim
Leigh on lamb selection, Paul Seabrook on shearing and Bob Bell and Gemma Maxwell on quad Bikes. Well done to all involved in the competitions success and congratulations to Robert Spink on winning, taking him forward to the national competition at Malvern next year.

Thanks go to Steve West with his back-fat scanner, Harry Middleditch with his show trimming, David Cross for kindly bringing his Te Pari system along. To Paul Moore from Buxton Transport and Robert and Michael Staveley for bringing their lorries along. Vic Lovedale for bringing some of his state of the art equipment along and Toby Bulgin for
demonstrating sheep dog handling so capably.

There were other distractions from Shearwell’s Liz Spiller with their weight adjusted worming gun. With Paul Uglow from Norbrook on hand to discuss worm control.
Heygates Adrian Covington was on hand to discuss feeds and had samples on display. Matthew Smart from AFP, Jonathan and Carroll Barber with their Charollais hats on
and the Bickerton family with their Reaseheath hats on. Professor Lee Innes from the Moredun Foundation there with a stand for the day. Finally Vet Ben Strugnell managed to keep a talk on why sheep die down to 45 minutes keeping his audience glued to their bales.

The children’s activity corner was a great success and constantly busy. Thanks to Lynne, Joanne, Harvie and James for all the work they put into this. Prizes were handed
out at the end to all the young competition winners.

The farm walk was well supported, Thanks are due to Dickie Farrow for explaining the horses on show, also showing us some of the wonderful facilities on the Stud. To the two Toby’s for the dog trialing demonstration. To Jay Jones for demonstrating his compost turner.

Finally, Thanks to Phil Stocker for coming on the day and presenting the aspiring young shepherds with their well-earned awards. To my mind at the end of the day we had
achieved our objective of engaging young people with an interest in the industry. The day ended with a “Shear a Sheep, Eat a Pie & Drink a Pint”, where I came a close
second to Andy, pending a Stewards Enquiry.

Looking forward to the next event in 2019,
Thanks again,