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NSA Marches Region Annual Members Meeting 2016

Date: 24th November 2016

Time: 7.30pm

Location: Ludlow Food Centre, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 2JR

NSA Marches Region held its Annual Members Meeting 2016 on Thursday 24th November at the Ludlow Food Centre, Shropshire. Formal proceedings concluded office bearers going foward as Antony Specer, who replaces Kevin Harrison as Chairman and Mike Credland as Treasurer.

Hannah Park, NSA Marches Region Secretary, reports: “After the short amount of formal business, we heard an informative update from NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker on some of NSA’s ongoing work including that on lynx rewilding, TSE's and carcase splitting, NSA's recently launched Complementary role of sheep in upland and hill areas report and current industry work on antibiotic resistance. Brexit and NSA's position going forward was also discussed. After a discussion led by AHDB Beef & Lamb on current consumer behaviour and influences, we watched lamb butchery demonstration from Ludlow Food Centre Butcher John Brereton. John showed us some of the changes he’s implemented in the way he cuts and presents different parts of the carcase to cater for an ever-changing consumer, sparking much question and debate from audience members.”