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NSA Marches Region 'Brexit Options for the Sheep Industry' Discussion

Date: 10th May 2016

Time: 7pm

Location: Stratford Agricultural Park, Campden Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 8LP

Tuesday 10th May saw NSA Marches Region hold a short committee meeting before welcoming a wider audience of NSA members and local farmers to discussion evening on the pending EU Referendum. The region welcomed highly regarded speakers Sir Jim Paice, former Farming Minister, and Derbyshire Farmer Michael Seals MBE for a lively and insightful debate which followed a presentation from Phil Stocker, NSA Chief Executive, on NSA’s current and on-going work.

Introductions from Kevin Harrison, NSA Marches Region Chairman, kicked off the evenings proceedings in inviting each speaker to each make opening remarks, before questions were opened to the audience. Mr Stocker reports: “Michael Seals, speaking for the out-camp, kicked off the proceedings in suggesting the whole debate was in danger of being based on fear with little facts. He reminded delegates that one of the fundamental reasons the UK joined the EU back in the 1970’s, was to be part of a common market and not an ‘EU superstate, suggesting we now have one rule for all that is perfect for none. He argued the UK should be focussing on the world as its future market, not just the EU, and suggested a mutual reliance on trade between the UK and other EU countries would mean this would continue should we vote to exit. Mr Seals also outlined his vision for agricultural support to go in the direction of research and development, with mutual funds available  support for young entrants as well as those leaving agriculture.”

Speaking for the UK to remain in the EU, Sir Jim Paices opening remarks reminded the audience that speculation exists as no country has ever left the EU, which lead him to outline the huge risk this poses the UK as a result. He did accept the EU and the CAP is not perfect as it stands, but also pointed out the huge threat an exit could have on trade as the EU would want to make sure the signals to other countries discouraged leaving. He also suggested negotiation of trade deals on our own would take time and be difficult, and access to the EU market would come with a financial cost which would suggest we’d not be able to enjoy the same level of EU market access if we vote to leave. The long-term willingness’s of UK Governments commitment to support UK agriculture was also questioned.”

Kevin Harrison, NSA Marches Region Chairman, says: “On behalf of all the NSA Marches Region Committee, I’d like to thank to both speakers for giving up their time to take part. A strong turnout clearly shows the level of interest in this topical subject, and I hope audience members found it as insightful and enjoyable as I did.”