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Sheep farming ‘The Welsh Way’ – meeting the challenge of sustainability. An NSA Cymru / Wales Region webinar

Date: 18th May 2021

Time: 8.30am

Location: Online webinar

NSA Cymru /Wales Region hosted a breakfast webinar looking at meeting the challenge of sustainability. Joining NSA Chief Executive Phil Stocker and NSA Cymru Chair Kate Hovers will be Welsh levy board HCC's John Richards and  ADAS farm consultant and sheep and beef farmer Marc Jones.

The webinar was ably chaired by the Regional Chair Kate Hovers and the speakers John Richards, HCC presented HCC's document ‘The Welsh Way’ (a copy of the document can be found here). John highlighted the need to demonstrate sustainability and work together. Marc Jones, a farmer from near Welshpool, demonstrated how sustainability can enhance the farming system, Marc operates a system with no or little concentrates and works to improve his grassland management with the use of herbal leys and fodder beet. Phil Stocker NSA Chief Executive urged that we must do more with a multi-functional approach and not work in silos within the industry. We understand that there will be budget constrains going forward but we need to play to our strengths, grassland management will play a big part going forward to meet the challenge of sustainability.

John Richards HCC - John Richards is HCC’s Industry Development and Relations Manager, responsible for programmes to develop competitiveness and sustainability of the sector across the supply chain. This includes the transformational five-year Red Meat Development Programme, funded by the EU and Welsh Government. A native of Llandovery, John has much experience of working in agriculture. Trained as an agricultural economist, he served as Industry Information Executive with HCC, and previously worked at the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society. John spoke about the HCC publication 'The Welsh Way’ and what it means for the Welsh sheep sector.

Marc Jones - Marc farms at Trefnant Hall on the Powis Estate, Welshpool. Where he runs 600 NZ Romney breeding ewes and ewe lambs which are outside lambed in April together with 600 dairy beef Angus cross cattle which are finished at 24 months. All stock are rotationally grazed with the majority being out wintered on fodder beet with minimal concentrate use. The farm is also involved in the Grass Check Project and Marc also works as a farm consultant for ADAS and privately.

To watch this webinar, click here.

For further information please contact NSA Cymru Development Officer Helen Roberts on